2021 - Nigredo, Ora Pro nobis, Madrid, Spain
2019 - Settimana della cultura, On the Thread, Chiesa del Cassaro, Palermo, Italy
2019 - Hybrid Art Fair, On the Thread, selected project, Madrid, Spain
2018 - Plastic Land & Plastic Market, OpenLab, Madrid, Spain
2017 - Human seduction, Openlab, Madrid, Spain
2017 - Pigghiulu, Fondazione Hurcynos orcas, Messina, Italy
2017 - I/ceberg II, Museo MIIT, Torino, Italy
2016 - I/ceberg, Studio Scarioni & Angelucci, Milano, Italy
2023 - Zorlupsm, Past & Future, Istambul, Turkey.
2023 - Vellum LA, Past & Future, Los Angeles, USA.
2023 - Artsect Gallery, Past & Future, London, England.
2023 - X Media Art Museum, Past & Future, Istanbul, Turkey.
2023 - Rincon Project, Past & Future, Bogota, Colombia.
2023 - WIHH Gallery, Past & Future, Amsterdam, Netherland.
2023 - TZ Connect, Past & Future, Berlin, Germany.
2023 - UltrasuperNew Gallery, Past & Future, Tokyo, Japan.
2023 - BXL ART NFT Gallery, Past & Future, Brussels, Belgium.
2022 - Videoinsight Foundation & ARTISSIMA, Love Bombing Gaslighting, Torino, Italy.
2022 - Centro cultural la carolina, arteaparte, La carolina, Spain.
2020 - Factoría de arte y desarrollo, Alegrame esta pascua, Madrid, Spain
2020 - Corner Gallery, Encuentros en la tercera fase, Madrid, Spain
2020 - Espacio Ultravioleta, Conformistas, Madrid, Spain
2019 - Tabacalera, Galeria indipendente, Madrid, Spain
2019 - Factoría de arte y desarrollo, Viernes 13, Madrid, Spain
2017 - Centro cultural Montjuic: Genio y Creación, Barcelona, Spain
2017 - ZB art center foundation: IBCA 2017 contemporary, Chicago, United States
2017 - Istituto italiano di cultura Rathaus: Italia Creativa, Stuttgart, Germany
2016 - Museo Scalvini: Faces, Desio, Milano, Italy
2016 - Centre of Modern art Our Sint Jan: Still contemporary, Brugge, Belgium
2015 - Centre of Modern art Our Sint Jan: From Picasso to contemporary, Brugge, Belgium
2015 - Dali - Die Ausstellung am Potsdamer platzDALÍ: Dream Art, Berlin, Germany
2015 - Strand Gallery: Art Shape language, London, England
2015 - Museo dell'energia, Fondazione AEM: Maestri contemporanei internazionali, Milano, Italy
2015 - Museo scalvini: Expoarte 2015, Milano, Italy
2015 - BASEL Miami: SCOPE art show, Miami, U.S.A.
2014 - ICS International Congresscenter: Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
2014 - AmArtGalleryBrussel: Les contemporains, Unione europea, Brussels
2014 - Memory museum: Contemporary art Mediterranean Festival, Lipari, Italy
2014 - Royal Opera Arcade (ROA) Gallery: Italian artist, London, England
2014 - Altes Dampfbad Museum: Biennial "luxury art", Baden Baden, Germany
2014 - Miit Museum: Family and friends, Torino, Italy
2014 - Fondazione ODDI: Biennal Liguria 2014, Albenga, Italy
2013 - Maffei Marescotti palace: Contemporary choices, Vatican City, Rome, Italy
2020 - Hybrid Art Fair, Galeria V.U., Madrid, Spain
2019 - Mish Mash Festival, Milazzo, Italy
2019 - Artbanchel Festival, Madrid, Spain
2018 - Hybrid Art Festival, Madrid, Spain
2017 - Pro loco Capo Peloro Festival, Messina, Italy
2019 - Fundação Gregório de Mattos: Lina Voltou, Salvador de Bahia, Brasil - Shortlisted
2018 - Fundação Gregório de Mattos: Lina Voltou, Salvador de Bahia, Brasil - Shortlisted
2014 - MIFA, Moscow International Foto Award: Be Free, Moscow, Russia - Honorable Mention
2014 - Photo-soup: BE Free, London, United Kingdom - Selected for publication